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Top Youtube Howto and Style kanalen

rangyoutuberabonneesbekeken videovideo countcategoriebegonnen
1 5-Minute Crafts5-Minute Crafts 81,000,000 27,795,522,632 7,308 Howto and Style 2016
2 Gulshan KalraGulshan Kalra 39,100,000 17,488,126,301 731 Howto and Style 2018
3 albert_cancookalbert_cancook 22,800,000 17,225,011,139 759 Howto and Style 2020
4 Fede VigevaniFede Vigevani 57,400,000 16,440,693,623 1,391 Howto and Style 2009
5 chefkoudychefkoudy 8,410,000 16,173,669,907 1,224 Howto and Style 2020
6 Fabiosa Best LifehacksFabiosa Best Lifehacks 19,500,000 12,696,047,592 2,106 Howto and Style 2019
7 BRIGHT SIDEBRIGHT SIDE 44,600,000 11,299,254,240 8,797 Howto and Style 2017
8 Troom TroomTroom Troom 24,000,000 10,410,207,676 2,787 Howto and Style 2015
9 Wood MoodWood Mood 9,660,000 8,986,129,353 3,481 Howto and Style 2021
10 PeachybbiesPeachybbies 8,540,000 8,728,015,816 3,043 Howto and Style 2017
11 SUPER SLICK SLIME SAMSUPER SLICK SLIME SAM 21,200,000 8,657,726,446 1,323 Howto and Style 2018
12 Tonni art and craftTonni art and craft 17,600,000 8,037,031,023 1,586 Howto and Style 2017
13 Troom Troom ArabicTroom Troom Arabic 12,400,000 7,690,086,299 2,843 Howto and Style 2015
14 Village Cooking ChannelVillage Cooking Channel 26,300,000 7,602,420,390 229 Howto and Style 2018
15 Трум ТрумТрум Трум 15,300,000 7,402,815,126 2,727 Howto and Style 2015

Top Youtube kanalen - detail stats

rangyoutuberabonnees/jaarbekeken video/Jaarvideo count/Jaar
1 5-Minute Crafts5-Minute Crafts 10,125,000 3,474,440,329 913
2 Gulshan KalraGulshan Kalra 6,516,666 2,914,687,716 121
3 albert_cancookalbert_cancook 5,700,000 4,306,252,784 189
4 Fede VigevaniFede Vigevani 3,826,666 1,096,046,241 92
5 chefkoudychefkoudy 2,102,500 4,043,417,476 306
6 Fabiosa Best LifehacksFabiosa Best Lifehacks 3,900,000 2,539,209,518 421
7 BRIGHT SIDEBRIGHT SIDE 6,371,428 1,614,179,177 1,256
8 Troom TroomTroom Troom 2,666,666 1,156,689,741 309
9 Wood MoodWood Mood 3,220,000 2,995,376,451 1,160
10 PeachybbiesPeachybbies 1,220,000 1,246,859,402 434
11 SUPER SLICK SLIME SAMSUPER SLICK SLIME SAM 3,533,333 1,442,954,407 220
12 Tonni art and craftTonni art and craft 2,514,285 1,148,147,289 226
13 Troom Troom ArabicTroom Troom Arabic 1,377,777 854,454,033 315
14 Village Cooking ChannelVillage Cooking Channel 4,383,333 1,267,070,065 38
15 Трум ТрумТрум Трум 1,700,000 822,535,014 303